Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Times I miss Joni.

I miss her when I find pictures like this, I forgot I had.

Ha ha.

What a fun night.


(To clear up any assumptions as to what is taking place here: I believe we were putting to practice the various techniques that have been learned from Tyra Banks on America's Next Top Model. I, myself, am not a fan of the show, but once dated a girl for a few months who was mildly obsessed, so I often watched simply to mock. Anyway...this resulted, in an unplanned trip to Joni's once. I was practicing my fierceness, I believe.)


Shaelynn said...

Oh, goodness--Tyra Banks. Sometimes, I find her antics entertaining (since I watch ANTM every once in awhile).

P.S. This is FIERCE.

mickey said...

Ha ha.

My friend Kim said the same thing when I explained to her what that picture is.

JP said...

ANTM is like watching a train wreck, it's so bad you can't look away. And I'm pretty sure you were practicing your fierceness. That was the animal episode.