Monday, July 28, 2008

I don't understand why this is so hard.

I have 15 days to come up with all the money for my first semester (I was trying to do the whole year at once, and realized that was much more overwhelming).

Tuition is actually due in two days, but since I don't sign up for classes until mid-August, my tuition isn't due until that day. Unfortunately, it's really hard to provide a proof of enrollment when banks want a tuition bill, because I don't get my bill until it has to be paid.

So I've been trying to find a loan like mad, that doesn't need it until I realized, I still have an Indiana ID, I haven't gotten a Michigan ID again yet. So I look up what I have to do for that...and basically, I can't provide proof of Michigan residency, because I don't pay the utilities here, don't have a job right now, don't have a credit card...

I'm so frustrated right now. The anxiety I've been feeling all summer is slowly just turning into panic, that I won't be able to start school this fall.


Unknown said...

I still carry a Michigan drivers license because they want proof of residency (a minimum of two,)an original birth certificate, and my first born. The first born isn't a problem but the birth certificate and proof of residency is. I am not changing my drivers license until I absolutely have to.

mickey said...

The only reason I have an Indiana license is because I turned 21 when I lived there, so my license expired. I actually drove on an expired license for one or two days, because I was having trouble getting all the right documents around.

carriegel said...

i know that having to wait a semester may seem like a big deal now, but in the context of a lifetime it really isn't.

think of it as a chance to work a few more months, save more and have to borrow less.

sorry things seem so difficult.

mickey said...

The only problem with that is the lack of jobs here. When I was in Indiana, I was assuming there were jobs, just jobs that no one wanted.

That isn't the case.

There are just no jobs here.

And I think I would be more likely to look at it like that if this was happening three years ago. But as of right now, I'm most likely graduating with my Bachelor's at 27, and have plenty of school left after that.

Anonymous said...

27, hunh? I was 44.

mickey said...

Emphasis on "plenty of school after that", mom.

carriegel said...

speaking on drivers licenses, would you believe i still know my michigan driver's license number. i can't remember my childhood but i can rattle off my driver's license number from two years ago.