Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I miss adult interaction.

That's all, mostly.

Been spending all my nights with Kate.

I've been enjoying the time with her, but I think we're slowly tiring of each other.

Shae spent the afternoon with me yesterday (ransacking the house for "her" stuff, but that's another story).

Tonight I have Youth (I'm on Youth staff, as of last week). Shae is bringing the Wii over for Kate to play with.

I tried finding a video for today's post, but they were all so appropriate.

Happy birthday, aunt Carrie!


Shaelynn said...

So because I was ransacking the house it doesn't count as "adult interaction"? I was still talking to you!

Anonymous said...

We got out of town and you "ransack" our house? What's with that?!

carriegel said...

thanks for the birthday wish.