Monday, December 1, 2008

My birthday recap.

First off, happy birthday (again), John! 15. It's a good age. (Ha ha. Sorry, man.)

Secondly, thanks to everyone, for the birthday wishes.

My actual birthday was pretty uneventful. I ended up leaving mom and dad's house Thursday night to come back to Saginaw. I went to work at 11, ended up only really doing deliveries around the mall, and filling vegetables, and things of that nature. I got to leave early. It was a good day. Then I just hung around my apartment all day by myself. Quiet, a bit boring. Severely disappointing. Then about 11:30 my friend Kyle asked if I wanted to go back to Midland to see our friend Tyler (not the same Tyler as last post). I, of course, said yes, because I love hanging out with them, and Kyle's hardly ever around. So they managed to salvage my birthday. We went to see some band Tyler knew at a bar in downtown Midland, then went to our friend Jenny's apartment.

Last two weeks of classes. We'll see how they turn out.


jporterGOP said...

Well thank you, Michael.

mickey said...

: ]

Since our birthdays have forever been grouped together, yours is one I can never forget.

Which is really saying something, since I forget my dad's every year.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were able to salvage your birthday!

carriegel said...

birthdays are the best.

Tween Team said...

I did not now you had a bad birthday. I am sorry

mickey said...

It's okay, Kate.

Thank you, though.