Saturday, August 22, 2009

I just don't blog.

I'll be honest, I feel as though I have very little to blog these days.

I work pretty much every day, and swim when it's warm. It's about all I'm up to these days.

However, school is just around the corner. That's nice.

I have Math, Spanish, Theatre History, Applied Theatre, and Intro to Directing. I'm determined to pass Math. I have to. I'm so sick of it.

I got my spanish workbook today, and I was pleased to at least recognize a lot of the words in it. I applied to be a tutor on campus for 100 level spanish courses. That'll be nice. I'll be able to set my own hours, and work around school and my other job.

I've been working a lot. That's good. I'm in the middle of working 12 consecutive days. It's about to end, as Back to School season is almost over, and we have a break until Holiday. However we have a ton of new people. This week on our floorset, we have 13 people working. We usually have around five associates doing floorsets.

Sorry this is so disjointed. I'm doing stuff for Through Line (a new campus theatre group at SVSU that I'm treasurer for), talking to Shaelynn, and singing Disney music to her.

Hope you're all well.